
Christian Copywriting

Christian Copywriting offers various writing services, including but not limited to copywriting, sermons, speeches, campaign letters, newsletters, and blogs.

Copywriting is any writing that offers a product or service for sale. A sales letter is an excellent example of copywriting. The sales letter aims to get the reader to move to action. That is to buy the product.

Christian copywriting puts God into the content. The copy should be pleasing to God and aim at helping others. Whatever a Christian does should be to the honor of God (1 Cor 10:31). Note that all the elements of sound, properly formatted, and persuasive copy are embedded in Christian copywriting. However, what separates it from other types of copywriting, more than anything else is, it seeks to please God.

For a church or other religious organization, you want individuals and other organizations to move to action and donate or sponsor your projects and programs. However, you want God in that copy first, foremost, and final. Therefore you need someone who can write Godly content convincingly to motivate others to get on board with you. You need a trained writer who is also a Christian and understands your needs and language.  So contact me now by clicking here to arrange a meeting to discuss your project and the way forward.

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Campaign Letters

Whether it is a Capital Campaign or a regular Fundraising Campaign you desire, I can design them for your organization, whether you are a religious or not-for-profit organization.

The objective of capital and fundraising campaigns is to raise money for a project. Therefore your letter needs to be well crafted, highlighting the importance of the donors you are targeting.

Most churches make the mistake of sending the same letter to everyone. Your donors are different and vary in size. Therefore, your letters need to be personalized to positively impact each group of donors to actions. One size does not fit all in this case. If you want to make a significant impact on your results, you need to personalize your campaign.

I write successful capital campaign letters that inspire generous commitment. Attention-grabbing introductions that move the reader to thoroughly read your letter. Persuasive writing that moves the potential donor to commit to your cause.

Direct Mail Packages

Direct mail is a proven way to get the word out about your product, service, or non-profit. I Use tested copywriting techniques like the 4 U’s and the architecture of persuasion to create persuasive direct mail packages. Direct mail drives action for your brand.

I can create compelling direct mail packages that compel your readers to act and send their business and support to you. I can create informative letters for ministries, churches, and non-profit organizations that target your community or other organizations. 

Standard packages include a direct-mail letter (length of your choice) and copy for an easy-to-use response device and envelop teaser.